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Data Stack Optimization

For organizations who want more insights out of their data.

What if you could know exactly what your users are doing inside your product, WITHOUT wasting hours searching for data, feeling uncertain about its accuracy or feeling frustrated with your technology?

Hi, I'm Ruben Ugarte

I’ve spent the last 10 years helping organizations figure out their "data stacks" or the technology they use to measure the success of their products.

I help my clients leverage the power of analytics tools like Mixpanel, Amplitude and Segment.com to plug the holes in their conversion funnels, discover the most profitable marketing channels and figure out exactly what their best users are doing inside their web or mobile products.

Is this your organization? Here is a short exercise for you.

How many of the following questions can you answer with confidence?

  • What marketing campaigns and channels are driving your most profitable users and not just clicks?
  • Where in the sign up funnel are you losing people i.e. money?
  • Are users completing your onboarding process?
  • What are critical actions that users take before they become paying customers? ?
  • How often do your best customers use your product or app?
  • What is your churn rate (annually, monthly, etc)?
  • What levers can you pull to drive product growth?

It’s hard to figure out what you should track, which tools and platforms you should use and how you need to instruct your development team to implement them.

Imagine having a data stack that gives you all the data you need (and more) to make correct marketing and product investments. 

I can help you get there in less time—weeks instead of months—and without wasting valuable resources—engineering and money.

"Our data is scattered, lots of manual Excel work is needed and whatever we build breaks."

Companies come to me with all kinds of challenges.

Do you relate to any of these challenges?

1. Your conversion or onboarding funnel is full of holes and you are losing users before they even get to fully experience your product.

Where to focus onboarding redesign?

2. You’re spending significant time and money to acquire users but you can’t get clear reports on the ROI of your ad dollars. 

Focus efforts on mobile or desktop?

3. Your product is growing but you don't know what is working and what isn’t. There’s frustration inside your team over the lack of visibility into what your users are doing.

What drove this spike?

The first step to solving all of these challenges is better technology. This is where the power of a good “data stack” comes into play.

If you build your stack correctly, all your data will play nicely with each other and generating reports will be a breeze.

It usually takes my clients a couple of minutes (or less) to build new reports, allowing them to spend 95% of their time turning data into actionable decisions, instead of spending 95% of their time trying to track down the necessary data.

"We don't have analytics expertise in-house but we need to get more numbers."

Your organization is full of engineers. Frontend, backend and all kinds of combinations.

However, not every engineer has experience setting up data tools such as Mixpanel, Amplitude or Segment.com. The last thing you want to do is “waste” their time trying to figure it out.


Many of my clients typically waste tens of engineering hours and multiple months trying to get these tools set up, only to end up with poor and inaccurate data. That’s when they find me.

In a world where engineering time is scarce, this is not ideal.

I have worked on over 90 engagements, across nearly every type of technical framework. I will not write the code for your engineers but I can ensure that they know exactly what to implement and how to avoid falling into technical rabbit holes.

By the end of the engagement, your engineers will be confident in maintaining your data stack.

"We want everyone to have access to data but not everyone has technical skills (SQL, etc)"

The best data tools require engineering support during the implementation. There’s no way to get around this.

However, you can design a data stack that does not require engineering during the report creation.

Many of my clients are 100% self-sufficient when it comes to building dashboards and extracting insights from their data.

In one company, product managers can answer all of their questions within a few minutes.

In another company, the marketing knows exactly the performance of their ad dollars and how to slice and dice the data.

How to measure SEO efforts?

In a third company, executives have pre-built dashboards that they can tweak (if they want) to dive deeper into any metric.

Technical skills aren’t a prerequisite for accessing data but you do need the right tools in your data stack.

Introducing my Data Stack Optimization service

My Data Stack Optimization Service is for organizations that want more insights out of their data. 

Whether you're interested in allowing everyone in your team to easily access data on their own, effortlessly generating new reports or simply having highly accurate numbers.

Through a 4-phase process, I will personally help you design a data stack that will give you the data you need right now while investing in the future. You will end up with a powerful system for measuring the impact of your product and marketing decisions.

We will have a stand-in call every Monday to work through each of the phases and I will send your team an email status report every Friday. We will schedule other calls as needed.

Here’s what you can expect during each phase.

Phase 1: Your business deep dive

We'll start the engagement by diving deep into your business. I want to understand your current data challenges, the most important metrics/KPIs for your business and what the next 12 - 18 months will look like.

I will gather all the necessary information based on surveys, interviews, group conversations and any relevant internal documents. You will receive a summary of the most important insights from the deep dive.

By the end of the phase, you will know your exact data needs, your KPIs and what success looks like.

Phase 2: Data stack design

I will then design a data stack for your present and future needs. A good data stack is more than just one tool and I will suggest other options that can streamline your data analysis while keeping in mind your team's technical proficiency.

We will jointly explore specific tool options and score them based on several factors including capabilities, long-term fit and pricing.

By the end of the phase, you will have a complete data stack design, your final tool choices and a tracking plan of implementation.

Phase 3: Implementation support

I'll work with your engineering team to implement the data stack from Phase 2, ensuring your engineers understand how these tools work and the best practices for maintenance.

Your team will receive training and support on how to best implement and maintain the data stack.I'll also help with the debugging process and keep your team accountable to avoid costly delays. If your team has ever experienced technical issues when implementing data tools, we will resolve them once and for all in this phase.

By the end of the phase, you will have implemented the data stack and data will be flowing into production.

Phase 4: Report & dashboard creation

Finally, I will build the necessary reports and dashboards to answer the questions and KPIs that arose during Phase 1. Every team needs a combination of pre-built dashboards and report templates that can be easily duplicated for deeper analysis.

I will also conduct training sessions for your team, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable working with the data stack we chose. There will be a combination of group and individual training provided plus documentation/videos on how to best use your data stack.

By the end of the phase, your team will feel confident in your data stack and how to generate whatever report or dashboard is needed.

Frequently asked questions

Below you will find answers to the most common questions I receive for my Data Stack Optimization service.

What tools can you help our team with?

I have worked with lots of tools across categories such as customer data platforms (Segment.com, RudderStack), marketing attribution (Google Analytics, Appsflyer, Branch, Tune, Funnel.io), product analytics (Mixpanel, Amplitude, Heap, PostHog, Pendo), subscription analytics (ChartMogul, Profitwell), data warehouses (BigQuery, AWS Redshift, Postgres), dashboards (Looker Data Studio, Tableau, Klipfolio), qualitative data (Hotjar, Microsoft Clarity, Fullstore), paid ad platforms (Facebook Ads, Google Ads, TikTok Ads, Bing Ads) and others (Google Tag Manager, Google Sheets, Zapier.

There is a high probability that I have worked with the tools you're thinking about or I have experienced with similar versions.

How long will an engagement take?

On average, each engagement takes 90 days. Phase 1 requires 1 - 2 weeks, Phase 2 requires 1 - 2 weeks, Phase 3 requires 2 - 4 weeks and Phase 4 requires 2 - 4 weeks. The biggest unknown is usually around engineering time, which affects the length of Phase 3.

Who writes the code for implementation?

Your engineers will write the code and I will advise on the best approach (client vs backend). In my experience over 90 engagements, most engineers can implement these analytics tools rapidly once they have someone guiding them through the process.

How much engineering time should be allocated?

On average, an implementation takes around 20 hours of engineering time, with more complex products requiring more. It takes around 2 - 4 weeks to through an implementation assuming time is allocated promptly.

What if our team isn't technical or doesn't know SQL, will this work for us?

Your team needs to provide engineering talent to implement the tools but the tools themselves can be designed for non-technical folks. With enough training, your team can start to use the tools on their own.

Have you worked with our industry/product type/company size?

Over 90 engagements, I have seen it nearly all. I have worked with web only apps, web + mobile, mobile only apps and anything in between. I have worked across all kinds of industries including health, financial, manufacturing, consumer apps, B2B apps and all kinds of organization sizes from startups to Fortune 500.

How often will we meet?

We will have a stand-in call every Monday to work through relevant items and ensure everyone is on the same page. We will then scheduled any other meetings as needed throughout the week.

I will also send a status report on Friday outline the progress made during the week, what is coming up and any blockers.

How do the fees and payments work?

The price for my Data Stack Optimization service is USD 22,000, including all four phases.

You have two payment options.

1) One-time payment of USD 22,000 (save 13% when you pay in full)

2)Three payments of USD 8,400 (for a total of USD 25,200)

Invoices can be paid via wire transfers, credit cards or cheques.

Do you have any guarantees and/or what is your refund policy?

I understand my service is an investment. It’s why all clients must apply and go through a screening process before we decide to work together. I guarantee the quality of my work and I strive to make all expectations crystal clear before we start an engagement.

If you are not happy with the work at any point in the engagement, we will stop all work and cancel future invoices. We can then discuss a pro-rated refund depending on how far along we are.

If you’re on the fence — whether it’s because you don’t know if this is the right time for your organization or you're concern about the financial investment—I don't recommend that you apply. Go through my free videos in my Youtube channel or elsewhere in the internet.

Organizations I have helped

Some of the great organizations I have helped make better decisions through more insights and better data.

CoinberryCircleSwitch & CoDestination VancouverTelemetry TVCobaltStockpilePoloneixWorthFMEffin AmazingNadaamOlivFirst Class FlyerFingerprint LabsThe Public Interest NetworkAnonyome LabsMyParkPaymarkNPAWCareportBitcoin SuisseFluent ForeverCreatubblesDestination BCProcurifyVoter's EdgeDialpadUberconferenceAzloJiveMango ConnectionsPliabilityCare.comMs President USMount SinaiWorldlineNo Fluff JobsThe Intern GroupAlianza DVUtility NYC

What my clients are saying about me

A preview of how it feels and looks when your organization generates more insights and become confident about data.

Plus 18 more testimonials in written format...

We had tried to implement Mixpanel but struggled to get any useful insights out of the tool. Our team didn’t have much analytics experience. The practico team was able to help us create a tracking plan for Mixpanel and Segment.com which helped us track our users across our web and mobile apps. It also helped our development team property implement this plan.

Paul Greenberg


Founder & CEO

Ruben helped us set up the right foundation for our Mixpanel data by working with us on creating a tracking plan and guiding our development team through our Mixpanel implementation. This has made it easier for us to start digging into our data to find answers to questions like “what are the critical actions or attributes that lead our free users to upgrade to a paid tier



Founder & CEO

Ruben helped us design an analytics strategy for our company that could help us accomplish our short term goals while laying a solid foundation for the future. Internally, we understood deeply how to make our product better but we lacked expertise around analytics and how to properly implement tools like Segment.com and Mixpanel.

Gaston B.


Head of Growth

Ruben helped our engineering team stay focus on the thing we do very well: building a great product. They provided guidance on the best tools that would work for us over the long term and helped us understand the technical implications of tools like Segment.com. The Practico team gave me the confidence that we were implementing data in the best way possible and we weren't going to shoot ourselves in the foot in the long run.

John Rush



Ruben has helped us lay the proper analytics foundation for different projects by guiding us on the best practices of implementing tools like Segment, Mixpanel and Google Analytics. This foundation ensures that we are tracking the right metrics and are able to access the data that we need to make marketing and product decisions.



Marketing Director

Ruben helped our team get our data in order in GTM and GA. There were two tools that we had implemented internally but weren’t able to get much value out of them. Practico was able to help us understand how to accurately track data and how to get actionable insights.



Marketing Director

Ruben helped our engineering team stay focus on the thing we do very well: building a great product. They provided guidance on the best tools that would work for us over the long term and helped us understand the technical implications of tools like Segment.com. Ruben gave me the confidence that we were implementing data in the best way possible and we weren't going to shoot ourselves in the foot in the long run.




Ruben helped us understand how our app (Insights) was performing and how this would affect our redesign efforts. After launching our v2, we were able to see exactly how our users were adopting our new product and the impact of our redesign instead of assuming that something worked or didn't worked. He also served as trusted advisor for our company and always responded quickly to requests or questions.



Working with Ruben from Practico has been crucial to our business. He started by helping us audit our Google Analytics setup and found critical setup issues that affected our reporting. He then worked with us to sort through our data and helped us create our core reports while avoiding the sampling issue in Google Analytics. Having him as an expert resource made it easier for our team to understand exactly what our users were doing and how we could present this information to our stakeholders.


Marketing Manager

We had an absolute abundance of data available to us through and we didn't know what to do with it and we didn't know how to turn it from a lot of data into something really useful and tangible for us to learn as a business, but also for our customers to learn. Ruben helped us create dashboards for our own business insights but also for our vendors and our users. I'm sure we'll work with you again in the future.




Ruben is quite simply a Mixpanel Guru and Analytics wiz. Extremely professional, very knowledgeable, and just amazingly helpful guy who will ensure you get your Mixpanel and Segment (or any other tool) tracking configured the right way, as trust me, it's so easy to make mistakes and put your data in a bad format.


Growth Manager

Ruben answered not only all of my questions, but helped me identify blind spots with my current setup (unknown unknowns). He helped me create an action plan on how to best move forward with our implementation, to get the best return on our time.I'm extremely happy with the results.



Ruben always delivered at least as much as expected, but almost always more than expected. I'm not a founder here, but I've been a serial founder my whole life, and those people who do that are the ones you like to surround yourself with. So that's where the success comes from. So it's been a great help and a blessing, I'd say, to have you around.

Blair Ryan

VP Digital Operations

Before we got hooked up with Ruben, we had several questions that we were trying to figure out and didn't have complete confidence in the decisions we were making. We need an expert and Ruben was a fantastic partner. We achieved all of what we outlined in the project, and we're very happy with the results.

Hunter Hillegas


Ruben was essential for our implementation of a fully functioning analytics program within our company. Without our own in-house data expert, we could not have set up our analytics program without Practico. They started by helping us to analyze all the metrics we were currently tracking across the company, and what data we wished we were tracking. They then helped us to drill down and determine which metrics were essential for the stage of growth we were at. Finally, they helped us to design an automated system for tracking the data from all the disparate sources that our B to C company was dealing with. I cannot recommend them more highly.

Chris Boas


Immediately we saw this significant buy-in from the organization and just consistent usage of the reports we were building. Our clients are happy with the type of insights and answers they're getting from their data.

Hiba Ganta


Before working with Ruben, we had some data in our admin panel but did not have all the KPIs we wanted and needed. No dashboards, no KPIs, a little bit of Mixpanel, and just our numbers.

Ruben helped us with the planning, strategy, and implementation of our data tools and dashboard. We selected all the tools in a modern data stack and worked on getting everything connected.

We have a much clearer picture of how our product is doing out in the market. So some of the numbers are just more of a confirmation of our feeling, but there are a lot of figures and then KPIs, which are more of a surprise that we didn't know.

Radan Dabetic


Ruben helped us understand the weaknesses in how our team was making decisions using data and prepared a strategy that would allow us to solve these challenges and level up your decision-making capabilities. I would highly recommend Ruben to any company that needs an outside perspective on how to solve critical issues like hiring the right people and selecting the right technology.

Sam Magnant

Finance & Strategy

My Data Stack Optimization Service is right for you if…

  • Checkmark icon

    Your organization is ready to invest (money and time) in the necessary data tools. I can work with different budgets but you need to have some kind of budget.

  • Checkmark icon

    You want expert guidance. You’re tired of trying to do this on your own. You want an expert to just tell you exactly what to do.

  • Checkmark icon

    Your team is excited to get access to more data and willing to learn new tools.

If you’re unsure if this is the right service for you, please contact me via email. I’ll be happy to answer any questions.

Ready to optimize your data stack?

Here’s what you need to do next.

The price for my Data Stack Optimization service is USD 22,000, including all four phases.

You have two payment options via wire transfer, credit card or cheque.

1) One-time payment of USD 22,000 (save 13% when you pay in full)
2)Three payments of USD 8,400 (for a total of USD 25,200)

I am a one-man operation and only take a limited number of clients at any given time. You will deal directly with me for the entire project.

Click below and fill out the new client application.

It’ll help me get to know you a bit and understand your challenges. I’ll then reach back out to you directly with the next steps!

start your application